Document Type : scientific-research article


1 University

2 Associate Professor in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Isfahan


Given the high capacity of activity in the agricultural sector, empowering rural women in the slaughter and production of medicinal plants can be a suitable strategy for enhancing the social and economic position of rural women. Targeted investment and support in this field will provide a thriving ground for their talents. In view of the fact that the province is the fourth largest and most important area of the country in the field of pharmaceutical plant production and has appropriate environmental and environmental capacities, the world of aromatic plants has high therapeutic properties. And it has turned the province into one of the pharmaceutical plant production poles in the country. However, surveys show that previous studies have focused limitedly on empowering women in this sector, while subsequent research has made a difference in the empowerment of women who are the same in the slaughter bed and the production of medicinal plants. The main objective of this small and applied research, which is carried out with a combination of descriptive-aanalytical methods and structural equations, is to provide an experimental model of the determinants of the empowerment of rural women in the field of medicinal plants in the province. The statistical research community consists of all rural women in the province, including 209 women surveyed in the statistical sample. The data is analysed using SPSS and Amos. The results of the study showed that the four dimensions of empowerment of rural women in the field of medicinal plants (economic, social, cultural, ecological, individual, and psychological) are in an unparalleled position, and the main determinants of empowering rural women are: formation and development of cooperatives; effective support of the public sector; holding of classes and training courses; level of land ownership; and income.


Main Subjects