Document Type : Research Article
Faculty member of the Department of Urban Planning, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran
One of the basic needs of today's metropolises is providing the housing for citizens. The right to have a proper housing is classified as an essential social need so that the housing sector is considered as one of the main requirements in urban planning. Both qualitatively and qualitatively, the planners should pay attention to this issue. Cities that are weak in terms of housing characteristics, the life quality of its residents also declines. In fact, one of the ideals of urban planning is to provide suitable housing for all the households. According to the results of Comprehensive Housing Plan, there are more than 2 million housing shortage in the country. Also, according to the 2016 Census (Iranian Statistics Center), there are 16,368 units of housing shortage in Tabriz. There are 136,690 units of substandard houses (not durable houses and houses whose skeletons suffering from structures and load-bearing walls). In addition, in the ten-year planning horizon, it was predicted that 160,666 households will be added to the present housing. Accordingly, 313,724 residential units should be built in the next ten years in Tabriz. Due to the high number of required residential units, it is necessary to carefully study the quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing in the city's areas and prioritize them in terms of qualitative housing indicators to achieve the goals of optimal housing planning. The main purpose of the current research is to investigate the spatial quality of housing indicators in Tabriz metropolis and provide a comprehensive quality spectrum of housing based on residential areas and blocks in order to determine the priority of housing.
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