Document Type : Research
1 Assistant professor in geography and urban planning, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran
2 Phd Rangeland sciences and Engineering, Gorgan university of Agriculture Sci.& Natural Resources, Rangeland and Watershed Management Faculty, Gorgan, Golestan province, Iran
3 Associate Professor of University of kashan،Kashan.Iran
The assessment of land potential in Iran by the method of manual integration of maps presented by McHarg in the late 1960s is still used in Iran, which is considered to be among the traditional assessment methods. On the other hand, land use planning is a type of spatial planning, and for this reason, many location-related information play an important role in the planning and management process. Geographic information systems (GIS) can be used as a basis for developing supporting models in planning and decision-making, which is very new to adopt such an approach to the use of land information technologies in the country. The purpose of this research is to review and present a local environmental decision support system for the implementation of land use analyzes using modern multi-criteria/multi-purpose evaluation methods, and to provide a software model based on it. The results of the implementation of land evaluation models for The three uses of agriculture, forestry, and urban, rural and industrial development in Golestan province based on the multi-criteria spatial evaluation method showed that 42.2% of the province's surface has a conflict between the goals (uses) for the two uses and 11.8% of the surface The entire province has conflicts between the goals for all three investigated uses. Choosing the optimal use by implementing the multi-purpose land allocation method in Golestan province in three planning scenarios showed the ability to prioritize goals and establish a balance between existing potentials and community needs. Also, the SDSSLPI software system has provided the required flexibility in controlling and interfering with the planning variables based on the planning objective as well as applying the required changes in the evaluation model based on the special conditions in the region.
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