Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Master student of planning, Iran University of Science and Technology

2 school of architecture & environmental design, IUST

3 Master of Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


These problems have affected all aspects of urbanization and on the other hand, some of them have disrupted human life, which requires planning to improve the current situation. One of these significant problems in cities is the existence of old and in need of revitalization. These contexts have become the source of many urban problems in various economic, social, physical and environmental aspects and have provided the basis for instability in cities. In this research, sustainable neighborhood development is the beacon. Applying the principles of sustainable development and combining it with the urban regeneration approach can be considered a suitable approach to resolve conflicts in the old and problematic urban contexts. The present study is an applied research that has used research tools such as questionnaires and field observation in Nezamabad neighborhood. To analyze the data of the questionnaire, the method of exploratory factor analysis and calculation of linear and nonlinear regression between sustainable development factors and regeneration dimensions, SPSS statistical software has been used. Finally, it is predicted that by applying the principles of regeneration in the economic dimension with a percentage of variance of 41.1%, the physical dimension with a percentage of variance of 55.23%, in the social dimension with a percentage of variance of 72.58% and in the environmental dimension with a percentage of variance of 49.98% The old neighborhood was built with the organic texture of Nezamabad and took steps to improve the quality of life of this neighborhood.


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