Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Islamic Azad University-Qods City

2 Islamic Azad University-Quds city

3 Islamic Azad University - South Tehran


Unbalanced spatial distribution of centers and economic uses at the level of cities can cause severe population density in some urban areas, inefficiency of the urban transportation system, severe poverty, environmental problems, etc. This research has been prepared with the aim of analyzing the spatial distribution of economic centers and uses in the city of Tehran with the approach of crisis management. The current research is applied based on its purpose and descriptive-analytical based on its nature and method. To analyze the spatial distribution pattern of centers and economic uses, firstly, the closest proximity method (ANN) and secondly, Fuzzy-ANP technique and ARC GIS-Super Decision software were used. Also, the explanation of the correlation between population distribution and economic centers has been done using the geographical weighted regression (GWR) method. The results of the research showed that the spatial distribution pattern of all indicators, except transportation use, has a cluster pattern and the calculated Z-Score is less than -2.65. On the other hand, in the central and northern areas of Tehran, there is a high correlation between population distribution and access to economic centers, and the population density of the mentioned areas has occurred according to the concentration of centers and economic uses, which can lead to problems and dilemmas in the coming years. become a city in various fields such as extreme population density, extreme poverty, regional imbalances and social crises. In this regard, prioritizing the areas of Tehran city with emphasis on the southern and western areas and adopting a decentralization approach in the spatial distribution of economic uses are considered as key strategies to achieve spatial justice in access to the economic activities of the metropolis of Tehran.


Main Subjects