Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Islamic Azad University - Quds city

2 Islamic Azad University-Quds city

3 Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University


Urban segregation is an important obstacle to the realization of an inclusive, coherent and integrated city. The results related to spatial segregation not only affect poor families but also affect all citizens and the spatial structure of cities. Therefore, examining the relationship between segregation and the spatial structure of the city is one of the measures that will make efficient urban management and desirable urban governance; Therefore, the main goal of this research is to measure the spatial-economic segregation of Tehran metropolis. The research method is quantitative and its approach is descriptive and analytical. For this purpose, first, the degree of economic segregation was measured, and then the spatial distribution pattern of economic indicators was analyzed. The results of the research indicate the formation of a centralized pattern of spatial structure and moderate to segregation of economic indicators in the areas of Tehran. In such a way that the Z-Score of the spatial distribution of indicators is greater than 1.65 and the degree of entropy and spatial isolation of the indicators is often greater than 0.6. Also, the results show that the highest regression coefficient between population entropy and spatial distribution of economic indicators is related to the northern and central regions of Tehran, and the lowest coefficient is related to the southeastern and southern regions of the city. And there is a north-south and east-west trend between the spatial distribution of population and economic indicators in Tehran metropolis, which has caused a kind of spatial segregation and centralization in the two central and northern axes of the city.


Main Subjects