Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. student of Climatology Departement of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Associate professor of climatology Departement of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran,

3 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Departement of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran


Therefore, in this research, the human-biometeorological climatic conditions of Ardabil province have been investigated using the physiological equivalent temperature (PET) based on the body-atmosphere energy balance and multivariate.The required data were obtained from the National Meteorological Organization for 8 synoptic stations for 30 years (1991 to 2020) and the variables of temperature, relative humidity, radiation and wind speed were used to calculate this index in Rayman software. The obtained results showed that out of the 9 climate classes of PET index, only 5 very cold, cold, relatively cool, cool and comfortable category exist in this region and 4 relatively hot, hot, hot and very hot category do not exist in this province. In this regard, it was found that very cold conditions prevail over the entire area of this province in the 5 months of the cold season, namely January, February, March, November and December, and the spatial distribution of these conditions is completely Homogenous. This matter is relatively heterogeneous in the summer season and the variety of climatic conditions of this area is also greater in the hot season of the year. Also, the most important controlling factor of comfortable climate conditions among longitude, latitude and altitude was also height, so that there is a strong inverse relationship between altitude and PET index value in 12 months of the year and at a significant level of α=0.05 and α=0.01 proved. In this model, the height variable has an inverse relationship with the physiological equivalent temperature (PET) variable and its value decreases with the increase in height. This also applies to the two variables of latitude and longitude, but the effect of longitude is less than that of latitude, and the effect of both of them is less than the variable of height.


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