Document Type : case study


1 Associate Professor in Climatology, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Geomorphology, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


Diversity of vegetation and its coexistence with geomorphologic processes have an important impact on the balance of natural landscapes. This research tried to quantitatively measure and compare the differences between the slope of nebkas and the angle of repose in the Ebrahimabad desert of Sirjan. For this purpose, first, the angle of repose in the area was determined. Then, sample nebkas were selected along 10 transects that covered the entire region and the slope of nebka was measured by inclinometer in the four directions of north, south, east and west. Then the average slope of the nebka domain was calculated. Finally, the relationship between the angle of repose and slope of nebka dune was evaluated and analyzed using statistical models. The variance analysis results showed significant differences between the equilibrium slope factors of various nebkas. Test results of the test of comparison averages based on the equilibrium slope factor of nebka and repose slope of sediment separated the region into two distinct groups. In the probability level error of less than one percent (α <0.01), the first group includes nebkas, Tamarix Mascatensis, Reaumaria Turcestanica and Seidlitzia Florida, and the second group includes Alhagi Manifera species and repose slope of sediment. The grouping results according to equilibrium slope indicate different function of Alhagi Manifera species than other species. The results showed that the vegetative form of plant plays an important role in creating relief landscape of nebka.


Main Subjects

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