Document Type : case study


PhD in Geography and Rural Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Health tourism development can play an important role in creating jobs and enhancing social welfare at national and local levels; it can also positively influence socioeconomic development in general and rural regions in particular. The purpose of this study is examining the role and effect of health tourism on improving the economic capacities of rural areas around Meshgin Shahr Township. Document studies were used to gain an understanding of health tourism. Next, the effects of such tourism on improving the economic capacities of rural environments were obtained using questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Then, the necessary adjustments were made based upon the extracted commonalities. The finalized effects were compiled in the form of author-made questionnaires as the most important effects of health tourism development on improving economic capacities. Based on the findings, the direct effect of the production index on economic capacity improvement was found to be lower than other dimensions while the economic diversity index involved the highest direct effect. Moreover, the economic diversity index affects all indices and has been indirectly effective in the improvement of economic capacities through all indices. The development of spa complexes in Meshgin Shahr paved the way for the inflow of various local and non-local capitals to these areas. Furthermore, the presence of tourists in this region has resulted in the improvement of rural infrastructure, increase in the productions of rural residents in different areas, creation of non-agricultural jobs, and rural economic diversity.



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