Document Type : Research


1 MSc in Climatology, Department of Geography, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Climatology, Department of Geography, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


With the aim of revealing the at revealing the synchronic role of mid-latitude atmospheric cut-off lows and low-level jets in the continuation of daily rainfall of the west and northwest in Iran, maps of geopotential height, thickness, vorticity, vertical motion (omega), specific humidity, zonal and meridional winds of ECMWF and NCEP has been used. Daily rainfall data for the period 1995-2014 have been received from the Iran Meteorological Organization. Nieto and Reboita methods and Bonner criterion have been used to identify cut-off low and low-level Jet, respectively.  The results showed that out of the total rainfall periods, 60 cases are directly related to atmospheric cut-off lows. These cut-off lows were located in three regions East of the Mediterranean Sea, the Middle East and East of the Black Sea. The highest frequency of this phenomenon was related to winter and was identified with a maximum in January. In the study of the life cycle of these systems, it was found that cut-off lows with a duration of two days have the highest durability and in the days of the occurrence of the cut-off low, low-level Jets accompanied them in 58 occurrences. Low level Jets, by intensifying the convergence in the low levels of the atmosphere, on the one hand, provide the conditions for intensifying the upper-level divergence caused by the cut-off low phenomenon and on the other hand, increasing the moisture transport, so that the intensification of low level Jets, intensifies the instability caused by the cut-off lows.The amount of atmospheric moisture transport reveals that the main sources of moisture in Continuous rainfall periods caused by cut-off Low are Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arab Sea and Black Sea respectively.


Main Subjects

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