Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Allameh Tabataba'i University


Extended Abstract


The activities of interest groups and social forces in the Mamasani constituency and their impact on different elections, especially the elections of the Islamic council can be analyzed in the context of the dominant structure. Among the influential groups and social forces in the Mamasani constituency are elders and elders of clans, tribal elders, local kinship groups, marketers, farmers, religious groups, women, intellectuals, and elites, some of whom are active and others passive. The role played by these groups in the Islamic council elections is primarily pushing minds for constructive and positive competition in a non-productive space, but the possibility of elections in the Mamasic society and the companionship of social forces with the influential groups that are influenced by the representatives and other processes is the basis of the radicalization of election space and the monolingual political-cultural and geographical competition. This study tries to analyze the role of the influential groups and social forces in the elections of the Islamic parliamentary elections in the Mamasani constituency. The dependent variable is the parliamentary elections and the independent variables are interest groups and social forces. The question is about the role interest groups and social forces will play in the elections of the Islamic council assembly in the electorate.

Review of Literature

The influential group refers to a range of human beings or groups that seek to influence and manage political evolutions in their own goals. Some of them, permanent and unique, are interested in affecting the public policy of government and others in passing through political decisions.
Firstly, social forces means a series of categories and groups affecting political life including people who enjoy equalities in terms of economic interests, value, cultural, corporate, and other aspects. Secondly, the participation in political life, power, administration, participation in political institutions, participation in decisions and policies are popular. Finally, it is organized and prepared for political actions.
The geography of election deals with the analysis of space, place, electoral process, the variety of decisions, and the results of the voters of different regions as well as the effects of spatial differences in political behavior. In other words, the geography of election is a trend of political geography that studies the spatial distribution pattern of power in the form of reciprocal relationship between geography, elections, and power.
Tribalism is a kind of internal feeling and motivation of people living in a particular geographic location and space that is worth considering the location of living beyond the location or is associated with other places in a way that the inhabitants of a residential area that form a coherent and continuous totality, have a collective and local identity that generally vote on an individual or a current with which they feel identical based on their attributes and social, economic and cultural norms


The present study is descriptive-analytical and the data collection method is library and field (questionnaire and interview). In the field method, with respect to the variables as well as the indices of the study, two Likert questionnaires were designed five alternatives).
Statistical population was selected from Mamasani County. The reason for the selection of the county is the highlighting of local-clan orientation. In total, the sample was 275 in rural and urban areas among whom the questionnaires were distributed.

Results and Discussion

According to the research findings, influential groups in the Mamassani constituency have more power than social forces to influence the elections. These groups are formed unofficially and are based on the clan and tribal groups. They take the most role during the elections and take a social power in action for candidates in their geographical domain.
In fact, these groups act in different forms of tribal elders, local elites, and kinship groups, which in addition to generating acceptance among the clan members can affect their interests. In relation to the role of social forces, the findings show that in the Mamassani constituency, different categories are active or passive through the brokers and members of the ruling party in the parliament elections. Among social forces, elites, and intellectuals, active groups are able to influence other social forces in the traditional context of Mamasani. Other findings of this study suggest that other social forces such as farmers, marketers, and women are present in the Mamassani community who are passive in the parliamentary elections and act in other groups; with the exception that the first and second groups tend to belong to tribalism and their presence on the political scene through the construction of the clan and the brokers. . Religious categories are also in the range of groups that oppose the existence of the negative dimensions of tribalism accentuating the principle of the brotherhood in the election environment, due to the lack of the continuity of activity in the spectrum of executers.

Conclusion and Suggestions

The results showed that the influential groups and social forces play their roles in a stable-fixed and active - passive form through identity, spatial belonging, and tribal structure in order to direct the people vote in the process of Mamasani assembly election, in which the role of influential groups is stronger. On the other hand, the amount of political executor’s role is different. Among the influential groups in the urban and rural regions, the local influential people and the elders have the highest and lowest effectiveness, respectively. Among the social forces in the urban and rural areas, the most effectiveness and lowest effectiveness is related to the teachers and religious categories, respectively.


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