Document Type : scientific-research article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Extended abstract
1. Introduction
The developments in the global level have led to the relationship of countries to each others to achieve national security and interest in a common and international arena. This has affected the political border of countries and border area and provided trade exchange development among countries in legal or illegal forms and increased considerable transition among countries by using this new situation and the efficiency of the globalization process. Iran has a prominent place in national security among the countries that have long borders and various neighboring border control. However, the number of neighbors reduces the effectiveness of border control and imposes vast human and financial costs on the country. To manage and better control the borders in different ways, countries use new equipment border outposts' developmentas well as border forces for border control that have different strengths and weaknesses. In the meantime, the use and application of inhabitants of borders, due to their high capacity and potential for the management and control of borders, can be one of the options of countries. Islamic Republic of Iran with long border annually pays significant money to control and manage its borders and unfortunately no positive attitude and tendency exist for contributting it to control and manage of its borders, so residents of border have been a marginal player for controlling and management of border. In this paper, we try to examine the border residents' place in controlling Iran and Turkmenistan borders in North Khorasan province.
2. Theoretical Framework
Border residents:
All persons have permanent residence within the depth of the border line and adjacent islands in any country are called border residents.
Border control:
After demarcation of borders between two countries, governments for preventing to inter insecurity, problems of the borders of neighboring countries and for not affecting national security on sovereignty and national interests, control their borders.

3. Methodology
This research is descriptive-analytical. The data were collected through library (use of the resources available in libraries and documents on the subject and exploring the Internet sites) and field research (questionnaire).
4. Results and Discussion
Derivation of effective factors on border control by border residents in the past time have been done through theories, books, thesis and articles. These factors include 60 factors shown in the form of six sections for a better understanding. It should be noted that these factors are associated with each other and affect and from each other; On the other hand it should be noted that the borders are two-way phenomena and their existence depends on the existence of one side or the other side. As a result, due to the specific characteristics of the borders, it is necessary for each of the neighboring countries in its region to have strong territorial sovereignty and border control. So, if one of the neighboring countries for various reasons, including civil unrest, economic problems, corruption or the existence of feudal rule (non-integrated), cannot exert strong authority over their lands, neighboring country cannot achieve the desired result in securing its borders. Therefore, any factor should be considered in the context of border controls based on the bilateral and multilateral views. In the following, it's attempted to look at the factors affecting border residents based on border controls along the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkmenistan in North Khorasan province.
5. Conclusion and Suggestions
The process of accomplished changes through recent decades such as globalization and entering into the information era, etc. in different ways provided enhancement ties and proximity between geographical spaces to some extent. This affect in different ways oneach sides of border and provide the increasing importance of cross-border spaces instead of border line. The extraction of the factors of organizing the border residents for border controls along the borders of North Khorasan Province with Turkmenistan is accomplished by exploring theories. These factors include 60 factors set in the six territorial, demographic, socio-cultural, economic, political, and military security sections. These research findings confirm the theoretical part. In the field, the data collected via the questionnaire and evaluated by T-test shows that all 60 factors considered by the scientific experts and administrators affected the organization of border residents in controlling the borders of Iran and Turkmenistan across the borders of North Khorasan province. Thus, in order to use the approach to organize the border residents to control the country's borders, these factors should be considered in the border area. Another point that has been evaluated is multidimensional factors affecting border residents to control the country's borders. It should be noted that these factors has different aspects (positive, negative, or both) and each of these factors according specific conditions and geographical space can act as positive or negative factor in some period of time.


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