Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Isfahan University

3 Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
The issue of poverty reduction, income generation and employment are among the most important issues in the field of rural development. Therefore, the goal of development can be specifically diminishing poverty and reducing its level by creating employment for the poor, ensuring the minimum basic needs for everyone, increasing productivity, establishing more balance between the geographical areas and the social and economic classes, decentralization and people's intervention in decision-making, emphasis on collective and national self-confidence, and balance and improvement of the quality of the living environment.
2. Theoretical Framework
The development of multidimensional flows entail major changes in social construction, public opinion and national institutions, as well as accelerating economic growth, reducing inequality and eradicating absolute poverty; and it aims at achieving a type of sustainability and at the same time moving forward, and hence the concept of providing wishes and ideas in relation to the insights and requirements of human beings (Roomiani, 2013. The opportunity to initiate informal financial flows from urban investors to rural relatives is one of the most important motivations of rural-urban migration as urban residents send money to help their relatives during a year (Rezvani, Akbarian Roniz, & Rajai, 2007). This flow of capital from the city to rural areas is majorly carried out in several stages. In the first stage, there should be national-regional investment in the development areas that provides the basis for the economic cost-effectiveness of small-scale owners of capital, and in the next stages, in appropriate markets in rural areas with motivating policies that can facilitate growth and development (Iranian Urban and Rural Management Research Center, 2011). Therefore, the process of individual investment with urban origin is an appropriate response to the challenges of diversifying the economy of the rural regions and improvement of a process of integrated development, noted by development planners (IFAD, 2012).
3. Methology
This applied research used descriptive-analytical framework. It combined the library and field methods to collect data (questionnaire). For analyzing the data, descriptive (mean, standard deviation and variance) and inferential (Friedman, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and two-sample independent t) were applied. Also, the three villages of Arhan, Amidabad and Pirzagheh are geographic spaces in the studied area. The reason of selecting the villages was the fact that they were in the intended area and close to the main roads of the industrial zones of Abhar-Zanjan, so the urban investment flow was expected to be more in these villages compared to other villages. The selection of three sample villages has been due to the fact that given the geographical location and being beside the main roads of the industrial zones of Abhar-Zanjan, the urban investment flow in these compared to other villages around the city. The statistical population of this study is the villagers of these villages. According to the census of 2011, there are over 5202 people. Accordingly, 149 questionnaires were selected through the modified Cochran formula, where q=30, p=70 and D=0.05 (sig level=0.95). Therefore, the selection of individuals at the level of each village was carried out in a simple random manner so that the principle of equal opportunity was applied for a fair selection. Finally, Cronbach's alpha test was used to assess the reliability of the data. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated to be 84.5%. The results showed a high correlation for data analysis and questionnaire.
4. Results and Discussion
Over the recent decades, urban-rural relations in developing countries, due to the improvement of communication infrastructures and access devices, have caused many problems. The use of rural settlements from urban resources in the form of reverse investment has helped a lot. One of the most important functions of family investment is providing food for society, creating widespread and low-cost employment, and creating a balance in the labor market and capital. Therefore, the transferred capital from the city to the countryside is considered as an important source of family investment and the promotion of entrepreneurship and skills. Also, in order to answer the questions raised in the research, the results of the research showed that the investments made by urban settlements in the immigration criteria of 2.21 and income of less than 2.33, respectively, were at the lowest level before investments. The most influences and measures after investment were participation, co-operation and employment, with a mean of 3.66, and 3.55. Also, Friedman test shows that employment, participation and cooperation criteria are the highest priority with a mean of 5.31 and 4.90. Infrastructure and utilization criteria with a mean of 2.20 and 2.93 had the fewest effects in the studied area. The Kruskal-Wallis test shows that in the villages of Amidabad, Pirezagheh and Arhan, the largest family investments have been made, respectively.
5. Conclusion and Suggestions
The results of the research show that in the immigration criteria, the investments with urban origin had respectively the least amount prior to the investment with 21.2 and income in the amount of 33.2, respectively, were the least before investment. The Friedman test shows that the employment, participation and the cooperation had the highest priority with 5.31 and 4.90, respectively. Also, a statistical survey of 1966-2004 showed that the villages surveyed did not meet the expected population growth rate, and there were opportunity immigrants on each level. Therefore, the urban investments alone couldn’t stabilize the population, and due to the potential of the area under study in such issues as sand mining, the possibility of growing various crops, and the ability to improve livestock products, it seems necessary to promote investment activities for rural development. According to the findings of the research, the following solutions are suggested:
- Increased cooperation and participation of local people in attracting urban-based investments
- Encouraging investors to invest in rural centers of the region regarding the establishment of the villages under study in the Abhar-Zanjan communication path
- Local people engagement with investments to attract labor force in the countryside to stop unemployment and harness young people in the countryside
- Improving rural equipment with the aim of quality road communication for public transportation
- Attention to the potential and capabilities of the studied villages with regard to the natural characteristics, variety of crops and livestock products
- Establishing the relationship between people and urban investors in agricultural and livestock activities to increase the impact of industries, and increasing economic diversification and economic revenues.


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