Document Type : scientific-research article



Among the agents collection that should observe in instability of rural residences is attention urban dropped sewages ،because of more excecuted works in industvies and home consumption of cities are dealing with water . there fore ،more using of water results in more production of sewage and these sewages have safe place in human consumption cycle. These processes hurt direct evacuation of sewage following to the environmental life،subterrainean resources and surface/lerevel of water and can pollute them .These sewages with polluting of safe water resoures، fertile agricul toral grounds and domesticated products there are among the strengthening agents of population settling and bear in stability creation specially the villages economic instability . on this basis ، aim of this research is evaluation of urban dropped sewage effects in savojbolagh villages economic instability. Research methodology is analytical- descriptive based on strdying the attributive resoures،field strdying and qvestionnaire completion . Data has analyzed with Spss software . Findings show that Abad khosravi village،in economic dimension with /79/ has higher instability and khosrow Abad village with /26/ has lower instability.
