Document Type : scientific-research article


1 sabzvaar

2 Esfahan

3 Sabzevar


Growth and expansion of cities, modernisms Complications with urbanisms life, to demands the more expantion of green space and park which is playd the influential role for improvement of condition and qualification of citizens life, with tranquility pleasure. But Today, the park is the most important element in the public space, has created many difficulties for the safety of the citizens that consequently the health of all citizens, especially children and the elderly threatening. Of this reason, Because of the issue of safety in these spaces is of particular importance, And concerns about the recent events at this location, Especially in metropolitan park of the necessity of investigating considering the relevance of this subject to all those involved and users are created. According to research on the safety of park sub impact on citizens and will park their consent, In this article investigate the safety of urban parks in the city of Mashhad on indicators of a sense of safety, health safety, physical security, safety light and physical access has been. The research community 2 park in the city of Mashhad One of the more developed areas of the city (Park koohsangi in Region 8 Mashhad Municipality) and another is the less developed ones in city (Park Basij in Region 4 Mashhad municipalities).
