Document Type : scientific-research article



By introduction of the concept of sustainable cities and creation of lively places in the city, the importance of urban green spaces and embedding them in urban areas has been more evident. This problem has been required more attention by the expansion of urbanization and accumulation of population and density in cities with some challenges such as climate warming and pollution in urban areas. In this regard, the methodology of this study is "- descriptive analytical" that with aims of analyze the optimal spatial establishing of the urban green space in the zone 4 of Tabriz are accomplished. To achieve the target of the study information of 12 land use in zone 4 of Tabriz has been extracted and produced from land use map 1:5000, in the Arc GIS 10 software and then has been fuzzified, using fuzzy membership functions. For final analysis to identify optimal substrates for the establishment of green spaces in the study area the fuzzy gamma function has been used. The final analysis of the status of 12 land use layer by using a threshold of 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 in the form of fuzzy gamma function has been conducted. The results show that the fuzzy gamma function with a threshold of 0.7 has been better analyzed the optimal deployment of urban green space considering the status quo of land use of zone 4. According to the results of operations some central and southeastern parts of the region due to the existing conditions have favorable substrates for the establishment of urban green spaces.
