Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Hakim Sabzevari University

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Vali-e-asr University of Rafsanjan

4 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili


Objectives: The present study is to assess Overview on literature and social sustainability assessment and identification of its main components, while introducing the appropriate framework for choosing indicators with a systematic and integrated approach to assess and prioritize the amount of social sustainability in five areas of the city Bandar Turkmen pay.
Method: Data collected through questionnaires in 380 samples and analysis of data using multiple criteria analysis methods and models in the form Topsis Hierarchical Fuzzy done.
Findings/ Results: In this connection one region with a score of 0.40 of priorities in terms of better social stability and has five areas, two, Three and four, respectively, with rates 0.24, 0.17, 0.11 and 0.09 in the next priorities were in terms of social stability. Results of stepwise regression showed Quality of employment and income, education, culture, population dynamics and quality of information and communication respectively, with a coefficient of determination 0.635, 0.471, 0.289, 0.293 and 0.283 have greatest impact on social sustainability in urban areas. ANOVA test results showed between different areas in urban areas Bandar Turkmen of Social sustainability with statistics 2.61 and significant levels of 0.000, there are significant differences.
Conclusion: Since the main purpose of research assessment and prioritization of social sustainability in urban areas are the results of the various steps Topsis model shows Status social sustainability in urban areas Bandar Turkmen is 0.20 coefficient lower levels between the ideal.
