Document Type : scientific-research article


1 University of Tehran

2 Tarbiat Modares University

3 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Objectives: Spatial balance in health is one of the underlying principles of social justice. In this regard, spatial cognition of health inequalities at provincial level helps planners make decisions with the aim of bridging the health gap between different regions. Therefore, this article with the aim of explaining the spatial inequality in health care, seeks to assess and analyze the health of citizens in of Khorasan Razavi province.
Method: This research adopts a descriptive and analytical method. To analyze the health situation in the province and ranking of townships Electre method was used. The weight of criteria was determined with Analytic Network Process model and Super Decision Software based on the opinions of 13 experts in this field. Data collection was carried out using library method, statistical data derived from Census of Population and Housing and Statistical Yearbooks in 2005 to 2008.
Findings/Results: Results show that there is a high spatial gap with respect to health care at the provincial level, so that nineteen townships of province are classified in eleven categories. Sabzevar and Kashmar with the first rank and Mashhad with the second rank have favorable health status whereas Khalilabad and Mahvalat with the eleventh rank have the lowest health level. .
Conclusion: Spatial inequalities in health care amongst townships indicate that policies and plans of health care have not been in line with social justice. Therefore, equitable allocation and distribution of resources and health care services to citizens should be considered more seriously.
