Document Type : scientific-research article



Extended abstract
The determination of consistency or inconsistency of urban use is one of the most basic and most complicated components of facilities allocation and intervention opportunities which results from a concept called the neighborhood and its determination needs matrix and coupled comparisons and also from selecting the major appropriate urban use. The determination of accurate locating of miscellaneous activities in a city, regarding the dynamic identity of urban issues, is undoubtedly very complicated. Thus, one of the purposes of urban lands use planning is the appropriate locating of uses and the separation of inconsistent uses. Determining the level of consistency and inconsistency, the specificities and necessities of both uses for operating usual activities must be determined and the agreement or disagreement will be specified by comparing the mentioned specificities. The neighborhood and urban lands use have external effects on each other which can be both positive and negative. The positive effect causes the efficiency to increase in which the uses and neighbor lands can reach a stable development and better lifestyle; while the negative effect results in a decrease in efficiency and leads to a decrease in the value of land use which consequently results in inconsistency between users.
2-Theoretical bases
The evaluation of different land uses are basically considered in order to gain confidence about the logic proportionate establishment of them in a qualitative and quantitative manner. Basically, the quantitative evaluation is based on the existence of uses capitation and related standards through the consideration of present and future needs to different uses. The qualitative evaluation analyzes the determined specificities in related standards and their ratio to each other based on several matrixes, the most important of which are 4 matrixes that include consistency, dependency, capacity and utility. Since land consistency is concerned in the present study, the views about this issue are reviewed as follows:
1. They should be completely consistent, meaning that both of them should have common specificities and there should be coincidence between their activities, like 2 low concentrated houses.
2. They are partly consistent, in such a way that both uses are of the same type but different in details, like a low concentrated house and a moderate concentrated house.
3. They are partly inconsistent, meaning that their inconsistency dominates their consistency.
4. They are completely inconsistent, meaning that there is no correspondence between them and are in contrast, like an industrial and a residential use.
5. They are indifferent, meaning that two uses are indifferent from the standpoint of consistency. Evaluating the level of consistency and inconsistency, the necessities of both uses are defined based on quantitative and qualitative standards and then compared. If the obtained specificities are equal or close to each other, the mentioned uses are consistent and if not, they are accounted as partly or completely inconsistent.
Operating this model, all of urban use layers in an area should be extracted from urban base maps. To evaluate the combinative model of GIS-AHP, the specificities of each urban use, the relation between uses and the interactions on each other are generally investigated and finally, the following parameters were considered as influential factors in the consistency and inconsistency of uses: sound pollution, air pollution, comfort and convenience, aesthetics and public security. The consistency between uses was divided into 5 levels.
In the next section, a field called the consistency was defined in use descriptions table and each of the uses was marked from 1 to 5 according to the type of consistency with the neighbor users (regarding the mentioned factors and the consistency matrix), After the mentioned steps, the spatial analyst of GIS software was used to design a consistency map of all land uses with neighbors in neighborhood level and in user’s number scale.
Then, the Analytic Hierarchical Process was applied to determine the allocated values and remove the stochasticity of results. This model lowers the stochasticity of results since it is compared to the CR index, in which the results are taken into account as acceptable when the CR is smaller than 0.1. The weights can be calculated individually or result from a combination of experts’ judgment. In this research, the judgment of urban planning specialist and university masters has been used and the responses were converted into a geometric average. Finally, the priorities were combined and the obtained data were input into Exper choice software. The weight of each factor was eventually obtained.
This model lowers the stochasticity of results since the results are evaluated with the CR index in which the results are taken into account where the CR is smaller than 0.1. These weights can be calculated individually or be a combination of experts judgments. In this research, the judgment of urban planning specialists and university masters in this field has been used and the results were converted into a geometric average. Finally, the priorities were combined and the obtained data were inputted in Exper choice software. The weight of each factor was obtained eventually (the CR was 0.05).
Arid areas Under construction industrial transportation installation office parkways health educational Green area cultural commercial religious house residential
0/011 0/011 0/020 0/021 0/018 0/044 0/067 0/032 0/032 0/048 0/063 0/093 /0141 /0174 /0226

4-Findings and Results
One of the main reasons for urban planning failure in Iran is the inappropriate distribution of land uses and the lack of attention to location-spatial decision making like the consistency of urban land uses. Thus, the analysis of miscellaneous land uses locations is of a great deal of importance. Therefore, the tendency to apply models, which are able to combine a large number of qualitative and quantitative methods simultaneously, like the Analytic Hierarchical Process has extremely increased. The combination of this model with GIS frame, with the ability of spatial presentation of components, can be very useful for urban management. Based on the final obtained maps from the evaluation of land use consistency in Onsori area, it can be seen that most of the installation, equipment, industrial uses, plants and also transportation uses are placed in a completely inconsistent and inconsistent toward other uses.
Regarding the tourism property of the area under study, it is recommended that the mentioned misplaced uses should be transported away from there and replaced with uses appropriate with the tourists’ convenience facilities and the area’s residents. The replacement of some uses like military and constabulary with the residential and touristic uses can lead to the stability of the area. Moreover, the relief hospital in the southern suburb of the area is completely inconsistent which the air pollution, sound pollution and inconvenience of this use are the main causes of this inconsistency.
