Document Type : scientific-research article



The volume and surface area of the coast is a function of basin water levels. Recognizing the factors of coastal geomorphologic changes could have a pivotal role in planning and managing the coast. Effective factors in the formation and evolution of geomorphologic factors such as geological, tectonic, paleoclimatic, paleoclimatic and sea level changes have been considered in this study and the main purpose has been the study and classification of coastal geomorphology and the forces of change in water level fluctuations of the Caspian coast from Anzali to Astara. In this study, the classification method has been Shepard Studies and the research was based on satellite images, GIS and field surveys, using all the features of the coast: hydrodynamic characteristics (waves, ocean currents, and water level fluctuations), geological features, climate, land use, and vegetation. The extent and rate of geomorphologic changes were identified and classified. The zoning map on the basis of satellite images and Shepard studies were divided and category indicators like delta, sand dunes, and wetlands were identified.
