Document Type : scientific-research article



Lake Maharlu basin is located in a synclinal valley of the folded Zagros. The frame and rugged structure of the basin is made of three units of mountainous geomorphologic, smooth levels and tectonic hole and evolved during several geological periods under the effect of interactive relations of tectonic, climatology and hydro geomorphologic processes. In this study, the researchers applied historical, experimental, descriptive-analytic methods for geomorphologic investigation (especially, hydro-geomorphologic change) of the basin and the results are presented. Geomorphic units, especially, the mountainous area of the basin under study, under the influence of paleohydromorphotectonic, have created landforms and reverse ruggedness such as, cloze and cross valleys, air synclinals, canalization models and the like. On the other hand, paleohydromorphoclimatic conditions have created processes and paleokarst landforms in this area, and underground karsts by increasing insinuation and deep and underground flows, leading to surface canalization weakness of the basin .In current period, these conditions and characteristics have continued by smooth flow and creation of relatively different landforms, especially in basin levels and they have influenced the tissue of canalization model and processes and hydrogeomorphic landforms ,in the form of neohydromorphotectonic processes ( the operation of active faults ,analysis of salty domes with flow processes) and neohydromorphoclimatic processes (lake level fluctuations on climate change at present and seasonal and temporal flows), and they have created geomorphs such as alluvial fans and lake terrace and different desert forms in Maharlu basin. However, presently, some cases such as heavy rain showers in heights have created powerful surface flows and have had an important role in erosion, sedimentation and hydro-geomorphologic changes in the basin. The final result is that, tectonic and climatic conditions in the past and present time have created processes and various hydro-geomorphologic landforms in the basin. And these hydro-geomorphic characteristics have some potentials, hazards and environmental problems that must be paid attention to by planners and implementers of construction projects in the environment management to achieve a sustainable development.
