Document Type : scientific-research article



Geomorphological analyses allow the study of modifications that affect hydrographic basins, particularly modifications due to active tectonics, and the quantitative description of landforms. The Shishtaraz basin is influenced by fault and active tectonics. The aim of this study is the assessment of the tectonic activities of the foresaid basin and its alluvial fan by considering geomorphic indexes. Topographic map at scale of 1:50000, geology map at scale of 1:100000, aerial photos in scales of 1:40000 (2001), Digital Elevation Model (DEM), IRS satellite image and the Google Earth to identify river displacement, ETM satellite image to identify ola and new surfaces of alluvial fan, Arc Gis, and Ilwis software's were used in this assessment The Ilwis and Envi software's were used to process satellite images. To achieve this goal, geomorphic indexes such as Hypsometry Integral Index (Hi), Asymmetry Factor (AF), Topographic Symmetry Factor (T), and Mountain Front Sinuosity (SMF) were used. The result s of tectonic activities investigation using geomorphologic indexes and observation of landforms of area show that the tectonic factor in the basin under study is highly active and influential. Furthermore, the morphology of the alluvial fan and its dissected surfaces indicate that Daroneh fault is also active.

Key words: tectonic movements; alluvial fan; geomorphic indexes; Kashmar; The Shishtaraz River.