Document Type : scientific-research article



With regard to the significant role of management in rural development and the notorious ineffectiveness of “Dehyari-ha” after they took over the management of villages, the present study deals with the consequences of such a shift from the villagers’ perspective. The study is practical in its approach and analytical-descriptive in its methodology. The sample consisted of 142 rural bread-winners from the villages run by government agents. In terms of the tasks relegated to the government agents, environmental, sanitary, physical, economical, social, and administrative indexes were investigated as management measures. For data analysis, the SPSS software and the Non-parametric Wilcoxon test was were used. The comparison of the indexes in question with their counterparts before the establishment of the government agencies indicated that they have improved in 99% of the cases, portraying a significant difference between the two eras.

Key words: Rural development; Rural management; “Dehyary-ha” (government agencies in rural areas), Beyhaq District.