Document Type : scientific-research article



This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Meteorological conditions on determining the date and duration of spraying in sugarcane fields in Haft Tappeh in 1388. The most important observed parameters who limit spraying are rainfall, wind, temperature and relative humidity. The date of the first and final spraying for each year were determined based on the data collected in this study. Then these dates were changed to Gregorian calendar number. Given the typical theory and the materials used in variables, the t-test was used to measure the possible limits of means. The results showed that suitable spraying dates were 24 and 27 of the seventh month in the Iranian calendar of Mehr the seventh month in the Iranian calendar with a probability of 50 and 75 percent, respectively. Also, the results showed that the most limiting factor in the region was temperature. The total number of suitable working days was set to be 69.53 days based on this limiting factor.

Key words: Meteorological data; Spraying date; Work days; Weeds; Sugarcane.