Document Type : scientific-research article



Urban green spaces are one of the most important services in modern cities and form a set of urban sustainable development factors which receive considerable attention from urban planners. This paper explains how land use can be optimally allocated to urban public green spaces. In this study, some of the factors influencing urban green spaces in a period from 1373 to 1384 were studied. Moreover, development process and historical transformation of green spaces at time series and in another sector, precipitins of green space, have been studied from various viewpoints and measured with regard to Golestan urbanized situation. According to standards of urban planning study, the quality and quantity rate of green space of Golestan the results show that territorial and regional parks do not exist in Golestan as a town. The existing green space moreover, is not distributed in a balanced manner on the surface.

Key word: Urban green space, Sustainable development, green space, Per capita, Golestan.