Document Type : scientific-research article



Because of low Spatial resolution and simplifications in meteorological processes in Global Circulation Models, they cannot sufficiently simulate the weather, comparing to the regional models; then, spatial and temporal downscaling of the GCM outputs are needed for decreasing errors of the Global Circulation Models. There are two methods of downscaling: statistical and dynamic. Weather Generator technique is one of popular methods of statistical downscaling. In this study, meteorological parameters of ECHO-G General Circulation Models including maximum and minimum temperature, radiation and precipitation were downscaled by a weather Generator model of LARS-WG in the period of 2010-2039. Results show the mean of precipitation will decrease by 9.5 percent; mean temperature will be decreased by 1.5-3.3 degrees in the period under study (2010-2039). Thresholds of heavy and extreme rainfalls will increase by 45 and 60 percent respectively. It is calculated that precipitations of cold season will increase by 13 percent with a shift toward the end of cold season. Finally, it was found that summer rainfall increases by the amount of 50 percent.

Key words: Climate change; Climate change assessment; Khorasan-Razavi; Downscaling.