Document Type : scientific-research article



Much of the world’s population has been settled on the coastal plains and in areas adjacent to rivers. Thus studying changes in river patterns for determining their degree of stability is important. In this project the deltas on coastal plain in northern parts of the Hormoz Strait are studied to identify changes (in time and place) in the river beds. To this aim, after analyzing the rivers’ morphology, the changes in river patterns have been analyzed. First the morphometry of delta environment was investigated while considering the shape and the other main factors which control the morphometry of the river. At the second stage the data were imported to GIS software to identify the change patterns in different places and times in a period of 50 years. Satellite data, field survey, map for comparison, and the existing cross-sectional changes of time and place were used. Data-hydraulic flow and channel geometry parameters have been used for analyzing the causes and the changes. The results show that changes in pattern and river bed evolution followed the meandering of rivers and increased towards the lower parts of the coastal plain. This is directly affected by changes in sediment texture, reduction of the level of delta slope toward downstream and flooding state of rivers. Management and setting privacy control and restoration of waterways especially at the time of flood are among the most effective solutions for stabilization of river channels.

Key words: Geomorphology, Delta, River Bed Change, Morphometry, Hormoz Costal Plain