Document Type : scientific-research article



To determine regionalization of climate in Yazd province, 42 climate parameters were selected from climatology and synoptic stations of the study area and a 15×15 kilometers geographical network was considered to investigate the selected elements in the study area. The elements were studied in each cells knot using krigging method. Reduction of data matrix using factor analysis, varimax rotation, and climate zoning by cluster analysis and ward method were the next steps of the research. The results indicated that 5 factors accounted for 92.83 percent of the variation. These factors included precipitation, thermal temperature, dusty, wind and humidity, which explained 34.70, 32.74, 11.92, 7.08, and 6.39 percent of variation respectively. The results of hierarchical method of cluster showed that Yazd province with 131575 has 6 different zonations including arid and cold, arid and dusty, semi arid and cold, very arid and warm, very arid and windy climes.

Key word: Regionalization Climate, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, GIS, Yazd