Document Type : scientific-research article



Like most of the societies specially the ones in which the growth of urbanism has been considerable in the past two decades, the issue of dwelling is very important in Iran. Problems of dwelling in Iran can be observed by looking at the rapid increase in the cost dwelling units and rent fees. But because economical and political different factors affect the cost of the dwelling units, the increase cannot be taken as the mere cause for dwelling issues. Because Qeshm has suitable economical and touristic conditions, cost of dwelling and field there is very high. Given the growth rate of 1.4 for economical development in dwelling business in this city, this was menat to investigate factors affecting the use of land use in residential areas using statistical techniqus of AHP and TOPSIS. The result show that among these factors (economical, social, environmental and cultural) economical factor have the maximum influence on land use in the residential that among these factors in Qeshm; occupation and income had the highest influence.

Key words: land use, land residential, AHP, TOPSIS, Qeshm city