Document Type : scientific-research article



Man has always been curious about his natural environmental, and has always been trying to know it more. To do this, he has employed many different ways and has used different information. In the meantime, he has examined nature phenomena indirectly and using remote sensing. Today, expert and groups of experts are using remote sensing documents and this has caused them to believe that remote sensing actually is a key issue in their field. The writers of this article have decided to determine the true place of remote sensing in the field. Considering the nature of remote sensing and related sciences, and also the study of historical documents, and study of questionnaires, all show that, remote sensing is a science and technique which has been mixed with art and at the same time, uses human sciences. Secondly, descriptive and analytic remote sensing is essentially a part of geography and earth sciences
Keywords: analytic study, origin, remote sensing, geography, earth sciences, Iran.