Document Type : scientific-research article



With rapid settlement in agricultural lands in the cities of Iran, the lands are seemingly ruined. In other words, most of the lands needed for physical expansion is prepared through change of agricultural land use. Of course, the temperature of these cities will also increase too. Researches show that Yazd has had a quick expansion since 1983; therefore, 875/3 hectares i.e. 7/7 percent of the agricultural land or city gardens are destroyed completely. Furthermore, the regions with cool weather decreased, while regions with warm and hot weather increased in the city. The method for this survey is descriptive-analytic and the necessary data are gathered from libraries and documental techniques. In addition, analyzing the map and the related information are prepared by GIS system in ILWIS soft ware environment.
Key words: Rapid expansion in residence, agricultural lands, changes of land use, Herbal covering, temperature.