Document Type : scientific-research article



The alluvial fan of Shahdaad in Derakhtangaan River is one of the biggest alluvial fans in a dry area in northeastern Kerman. This alluvial fan has been formed due to different material erosions in the drainage basin of Derakhtangaan River and lying of these materials in the extreme part of this basin called Dasht-e-Lut (the plain of Lut). The region which has been studied in this research is one of the active tectonic regions. Several evidences prove the severe tectonic activities in the region. One of the most important evidences is the existence of various faults in the area. The most important fault of the region is the great fault of Neyband, the southern fault of Shahdaad and a series of faults having the direction of northwestern southeastern and northern southern. With an analysis of the time period and relative arrangement for the creation of faults, this research tries to recognize the role of tectonic in the formation and movement in successive divergence focuses of alluvial fan of Derakhtangaan River. The results of the study show that Neyband fault is one of the oldest, but the movements have caused a breakdown on the head of alluvial fan at Chahaar Farsakh and red Marn has created deep gullies in the region.

Keywords: Derakhtangaan, alluvial fan, active tectonic, divergence and convergence focuses.