Document Type : scientific-research article



The earth is a stable feature but it is diminished due to different factors including: the extension and development of cities, emerging of villages and rural areas with the physical texture of cities, the spreading of industrial units and population growth, changing the patterns of land use and lack of good management. This paper is concerned with the global and national perspective of these problems owing to the rapid physical extension of the cities and their impacts on human environment. The comparison of population growth in different countries together with their occupational spaces shows that the space is taken parallel with the population growth; but in some cases such as Bangkok, Sao Paolo, Tehran and Tabriz the magnitude of population growth is much higher than land occupation. This paper shows that the closeness of environmental planning and design purposes, can lead to the preservation of agricultural lands. Among these planning and management goals, we find regulating land use patterns, suitable criteria for land dividing and most importantly, increasing social knowledge of having only one earth.

Keywords: Land, environment, physical growth, urban extension, urban planning.