Document Type : scientific-research article



In order to find suitable regions for the cultivation of barberry in the southern parts of Khorasan, the researchers have analyzed the following features including daily data of rain, temperature and relative humidity for the years 1985 to 2003, different maps of TIN, slope, cultivation, land use, soil and vegetation. The classification and grading of the sites was carried out by Spatial Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results showed that AHP method is a precise and feasible method for weighing. Spatial tools of GIS environment speeded the research process. The suitable areas identified in this research, are much more than the existing lands used for this product. This improves the achievements of the research and brings hope to the farmers and managing officials of the region for the growing agriculture and economy.

Keywords: Barberry, land use, Southern Khorasan, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), climatic indices and barberry cultivation, GIS.