Document Type : scientific-research article



The writers of the present paper have first analyzed the quantitative and qualitative indices of housing in the city of Taft. Then they have specified the housing situation of the city comparing with other urban areas in the province and the country. The results showed that the housing situation of the city had growth rate during 1975-1996. Comparing with the other urban areas in the province, it had quantitatively better condition, but, qualitatively, lower degree of growth. In the other part of the study, after the population prediction of the city up to 2026 (using “People” software) the writers have determined the housing needs and the demand for it for the next fifty years. The estimates shows that 4356 new houses are needed but there would only be a demand for 3800 new houses which meets 83/2% of the needs. Based on the capacity of the city, 52/6% of the city needs and 63/3% of the demands can be satisfied. Small housing can be a desirable pattern for the stable development of the city.

Keywords: Quantitative and qualitative indices of housing, planning, city.