Document Type : scientific-research article



The present research aims to involve the space organization of Khorassan province in identifying the situation of regional imbalance and offering approaches so that the present state can be improved. The space structure of the province is influenced by the factors in natural environment, policies for settling population and the activity and infrastructure of production. This situation has brought about intense imbalance in the region and the destruction of basic sources for development. The main centers, axes, and poles of activity are compatible to some degree with the capabilities of natural environment but the investments and measures taken in creating social and economic infrastructures along with political and security considerations have affected this affair greatly. In order to move in the direction of sustained development in the region and to decrease regional imbalances, the social, economic and environmental structures of the region should be re-examined. Not only did dividing the province in the recent year not decrease the present inequalities in the region but also it increased interprovincial inequalities at a national level. A new regional classification has, therefore, been offered to decrease the regional consequences.