Document Type : scientific-research article



The nomads of Iran, with their special manner of life, have always played an efficient and determining role since past times. According to the census in 1377 (1998), they comprise only 2.11 percent of the population of the country. With the exception of Kurdistan, this small group scatters all over the country in 27 provinces. Asalem is geographically divided into two different but interrelated parts. The inhabitants of the first part who live in plateaus and along coasts are involved in cultivation, with a small group practicing gardening and residing in permanent habitats. The second group, living in mountains and mountain-foots, are involved in animal livestock breeding. The results of this field research shows that 23.5 percent of the families in Asalem are comprised of livestock breeders whose life is based on nomadism and movement from one area to another. These semi-nomads could be studied in terms of Asalem tribes consisting of Teireh, Tayefeh, Dadazouah and Kouch.

Key Words: Life pattern, Population, Stratification, Semi-nomads, Asalem, Guilan.