Document Type : scientific-research article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Jahad Daneshgahi of Mashhad


This paper aims to analyse the survival trend of the center of Mashhad by focusing on urbanization policy at the age of globalization. It emphasizes urbanization or reurbanization vs suburbanization in which internal development overrides external development and city centers are adopted as work centers. The results of a survey of the revival trend of the center of Mashhad city, especially after the Islamic Revolution (1979-1986), reveal two direct and indirect interferences with various plans and different goals. The direct interference comes from government dependent organizations (Khorassan Housing Company) and quasi-governmental centers (municipalities) which confiscate owners’ land properties by employing development plans and legal articles. They change regulations, functions, density and definitions of macro size commercial projects and thus gain the economic benefits resulting from the revival. It is in contradiction with the new and aforementioned policies of urbanization which limit internal motor movement and favor sustaining present residents, activities and local involvement. The indirect interference stems from ignoring the regulations for detailed plans by municipalities. The unwanted economic capacity brought about by the pressure of the development provides the background for non-local investors. The benefits incurred by development are imposed along with congestion, cramming and ecological pollution. Safeguarding the rights of residents by improving the laws of land property ownership and having a comprehensive rather than limited view of large scale economic projects by following the principles of land function provides the solution for the sustainable development of central limits of Mashhad.

Key Words: City Central Limits, Sustainable Development, City Revival; Direct Interference Bounds
