Document Type : scientific-research article




This paper studies the effect of ecocity on coastal city development. It shows that leading coastal cities toward development which is in equilibrium with nature necessarily needs an approach which entails a reduction of the pressure of city development in the coastal areas. Upon dealing with the problems of city development in the coastal area, the damages caused by lack of attention of city builders to the delicate and fragile coastal area and the conditions governing the interaction of land and sea areas are highlighted. It is then shown that ecocity can have positive impact on the development of coastal cities because it takes special local conditions into account. The evidence and experiences of successful cities in the world indicate the importance of this pattern in planning and designing coastal cities. After enumerating the advantages of this approach, some factors influencing the optimal development of the coastal city of Babolsar are analysed. The results of this research show that by employing factors such as reduction in ecological footprint around the river of Babolsar, diversification of activities in city areas, vertical development in the old parts of the city and its suburbs, and the raising of the social economic status of the citizens, the present problems of the city of Babolsar will be resolved.

Key Words: Ecocity, Coastal Area, Coastal City, Ecological Footprint
