Document Type : Research-Case Study


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography- Climatology, Seyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi University, Asadabad, Iran

3 PhD, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


The development of urban tourism due to its numerous economic, social and environmental effects has attracted the attention of tourism planners and urban managers. So it can be said that following the growth of urbanization, cities are becoming one of the main pillars of the economy. In this regard, the investigation of key tourism factors of cities in the future should be considered. The aim of the current research was to identify the key drivers impacting the sustainable urban tourism in Ahvaz metropolis, which is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. The study used a mixed method and future study approach. The scope was the city of Ahvaz. The statistical population of this research consisted of 30 tourism and urban management experts. For data analysis, the Delphi method, the cross-effect matrix (MICMAC), was used. The findings showed that among the 28 main influential factors, 19 variables are key factors. These variables have the most influence on and are least influenced in the future of sustainable urban tourism in Ahvaz metropolis. Moreover, in terms of the direct influence, the variables are food security with a score of 555, vegetation with a score of 516, and security with a score of 478; and the variables that have an indirect effect on sustainable urban tourism in Ahvaz are food security, vegetation and festivals, respectively. The overall results showed that considering the high influence of the factors of sustainable urban tourism in Ahvaz metropolis, the adoption of rational policies regarding urban tourism by Ahvaz city officials can determine the success or failure of sustainable urban tourism indicators.


Main Subjects

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