Document Type : Practical- case study


1 PhD Student in Political Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

2 Department in Political Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 Department in Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran


Global and regional issues and challenges of nations are constantly evolving. One of these challenges is the problem of drug production and trafficking. The issue of drug trafficking is a major social, political, economic, cultural and security problem. Borders have been a frequent source of tension between governments and have strongly influenced the interaction between people living in neighboring areas. Border is one of the most important elements related to internal security; an issue that has been associated with relative instability in some neighboring countries, namely Afghanistan and Pakistan. This has led to security threats and numerous security incidents inside Iran. Blocking the eastern borders of Iran has a special priority, due to the various security concerns. Since borders, especially land borders, are the main gateways for drug smuggling, border measures play an important role in preventing such traffic. This study, which aimed to investigate the appropriate border measures to prevent drug trafficking from the borders of Sistan and Baluchestan province, was conducted using the qualitative method and has a descriptive-analytical nature. This study, based on its goals, should prove to be practical through the use of its outcomes in the required Political, spatial, economic and social planning and studies of border provinces. The statistical population of this study are a number of experts in the field of border security, including military and law enforcement border guards, forces working in the anti-narcotics headquarters, governorates, and also professors and experts in geographical sciences. The findings show that the best way to secure the eastern borders of Iran is the implementation of a coordinated patrol and inspection management model by the governments of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan with the cooperation and assistance of the three countries.


Main Subjects

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