Document Type : case study


1 PhD Candidate in Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,Mashhad, Iran


The main goal of this research is sustainable planning of the brownfields of Abkouh sugar factory in Mashhad and investigating possible scenarios in the redevelopment of its lands. To achieve this goal, six main steps of scenario writing were done. In order to carry out these steps, quantitative and qualitative combined studies were conducted.First, to determine the expected future, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 12 experts familiar with the scope of the study, and the initial framework of the questionnaire was designed.Next,using a questionnaire (in two dimensions, the degree of influence and uncertainty), 56 experts and professors were asked for their opinions, and by means of descriptive and inferential statistical tests such as T-test, the critical drivers of the scenario were determined.Then, semi-structured interviews were used with six experts, managers, consulting engineers, and academic experts to develop scenarios, examine consequences, and determine strategies. The results of the research showed that three scenarios can be imagined for the redevelopment of the lands of Aabkouh sugar factory in Mashhad. The golden scenario includes two main drivers, providing new sources of income for the permanent transfer of the factory and creating new projects with a mixed approach around the factory based on their capacities and location.The basic scenario is the continuation of the trends in compliance with the prevailing conditions with the continuation of the existing process.



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