Document Type : case study


1 Assistant Professor of Management Department, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 MA in Management, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


This study aimed to formulate rural development strategies in rural areas of Chegeni town. Chegeni city with special features and conditions was studied as a case. This research is an applied one with exploratory purpose. Research data gathering was conducted in an interview method and the sampling method was purposeful. The theoretical population of this study includes 32 stakeholders (specialists, local experts, and relevant officials) of Chegeni town who were purposefully identified and selected by the facilitators. Due to the role of multiple stakeholders and the need to take advantage of the opinions of these stakeholders, as well as to deal with the tendency to criticize and express only negative points, it was necessary to use a technique that would achieve more appropriate results; therefore, SOAR framework was used to formulate rural development strategy, which is more suitable for this research due to its positive and participatory perspective. Results showed that water resources, livestock and livestock production capacities, suitable climate and fertile land are among the most important strengths. Moreover, sufficient pastures for livestock, poultry and bee development, suitable market for rural products, participation of villagers, government support, increase the desire for tourism and educated young people were the most important opportunities of Chegeni city from the the stakeholders’ perspectives. Based on these and taking into account the values, perspectives and missions of the city, maximum productivity of range land, reputation as a tourist destination, attractive areas for investment, youth employment and livestock production center of the province were identified as the most important aspirations. The development strategies of rural areas of Chegeni city were such issues as developing conversion industries, prioritizing tourism, and developing the capacity of exploitation of mines.


Main Subjects

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