Document Type : case study


1 Associate Professor in Department of Geography and urban planning, Payam Noor University, Yazd, Iran

2 Professor in Department of Geography, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

3 PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran

4 PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


The research is a futures study of the indicators of a happy city in Urmia to understand the future of the city, identifying possible situations ahead in the form of a scenario. This can help to take appropriate plans and policies for making a happy city. The study used a descriptive-analytical method. Twenty nine indicators were used for explaining the happy city of Urmia. Mental model was used for assessing the relationship between indicators and identifying the main factors, COPRAS model was used for leveling regions, Fuller model was used for weighing, and GIS was used for visual representations. The results showed that from among the 29 indicators, 8 indicators were identified as critical factors for achieving the happy city of Urmia: green spaces, designing attractive spaces, using rationally from urban spaces, making the sense of freedom, security, the cleanliness of the environment, identity-making elements, and memorable spaces. Moreover, the results of the scenario wizard showed that 19 scenarios are possible for the happy city of Urmia. The results of the study showed that achieving the desired scenarios with the following characteristics are more possible than others: the per capita green space of the city has raised while the citizens’ sense of responsibility has increased, and as a result, has improved the level of environmental cleanliness of the city; moreover, the attention to the citizens’ security and comfort has increased such that they feel more freedom in the city and have regained their own desirable psychological and spiritual peace, and the city has been made a a memorable space for citizens as they more feel that they belong to the city. All these indicate that all indicators of happy city is possible for Urmia providing the suggestions of the study are taken serious and implemented.


Main Subjects

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