Document Type : case study


1 Assistance Professor in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Hakim Sabzevari, Sabzevar, Iran


Today, the results of studies indicate that most of the projects and activities of the World Bank, which has carried out to diversify the economy in rural areas of Third World countries, have been aimed at diversifying non-agricultural incomes. Due to the limited agricultural expansion and the vulnerability of the natural environment in case it is under pressure and the incompatibility of such conditions with the principles of sustainable development, agricultural activities do not have much potential for diversification. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the diversification of economic activities in border villages. The border villages of Marivan have been selected as a case study. This research uses an applied and descriptive-analytical method in terms of its purpose. In this research, the statistical population is the villages of Marivan. The villages located 10 km from the international border of Iraq were considered as the sample of this study due to their high impact from the border. According to formula, 18 villages were selected as the sample through stratified sampling. To determine the number of sample households, Cochran's formula was used; accordingly, 334 questionnaires were distributed among the households in the selected villages. Descriptive graphs and Friedman Student's t-tests were also used to analyze the data. The factors affecting the diversification of economic activities were classified into four categories: economic, social, natural and border location. The average ranks for the above factors were 2.11, 2.07, 3.03 and 2.79, respectively. Social and economic factors, environmental capabilities and border position had effects on the diversification of economic activities in this region. Of all these factors, environmental capabilities and border position were found to play a role in diversifying the rural economy of the region more than other factors (i.e. economic and social factors).


Main Subjects

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