Document Type : Research


1 PhD Candidate in Business Management, Payam-Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor in Business Management, Payam-Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Business Management, Payam-Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor in Business Management, Payam-Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The study aimed at presenting a tourism model using an entrepreneurial approach in the pandemic outbreaks. It used a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative). For the qualitative part, using grounded theory, a semi-structured in-depth, 18 experts, managers and activists of tourism industry were interviewed. In quantitative part, the statistical population includes business owners and activists of tourism industry in East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan provinces. Applying Morgan's table, 384 citizens were randomly selected to form the sample. The quantitative data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (PLS software 2.0). The final model is made of some conditions that affects its consequences in the pandemic crisis: a). causal conditions, including the reduction of demand for services and products of tourism, which is the result of the outbreak of the disease, the obligation to comply with health protocols due to the pandemic, the reduction of people's purchasing power, and the environmental and legal limitations; b) contextual conditions, including the basic infrastructure required for tourism services development, the culture and determination of the whole society for controlling COVID19 and integration of the tourism industry supply chain, and the potential power and resilience of all businesses in the industry; c.). interventionist conditions,  including the intensity of pandemic and the risk of investing during the period; and d). strategic model of the tourism industry using the entrepreneurial approach, including the use and development of IT based tools for smart traveling, crisis management in the tourism industry, the extension of domestic tourism holding health protocols in line with boosting domestic tourism. The results showed that tourism that uses an entrepreneurial approach will achieve such consequences as maintaining and improving tourism businesses, strengthening tourism industry, and making a new tourism market for the post-CVID era if it takes such strategies as the cyberspace tourism development, crisis management in tourism industry, the development of domestic tourism while emphasizing following health protocols, and focusing on the development of tourism infrastructure.


Main Subjects

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