Document Type : case study


1 Associate Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The Isfahan Bazaar, the most important center of trade and commerce in Isfahan and even in Iran, is located in the center of the old texture of the city. Today, the ever-increasing population and urban development, together with the old texture of bazaar as well as its intertwined and narrow paths, have all increased the vulnerability of the bazaar. This situation gets even more complex and complicated if some hazards such as fire, water pipe explosion, gas line explosion, earthquakes or human disasters including social crises happen. The main purpose of this study is to review and analyze the vulnerability of the buildings of Isfahan’s traditional bazaar. The research method is of descriptive-analytic and survey type. This study was done in the area of commercial and service units of the Isfahan Bazaar from Hassan-Abad bazaar in the southeast of Imam Square to Jame’ Mosque in the northwest of this part of the city. Data were collected through field survey of the commercial units. By applying these elements into the base maps of Isfahan’s municipalities and using 6 indicators (exhaustion, age, population density, building density, number of floors and compressed texture), the vulnerability status of bazaar was then analyzed within the Arc GIS area by spatial analyst technique. The results of the study showed that the Isfahan Bazaar and its surrounding areas have high vulnerability of the buildings (70 %), and the bazaar is more than 30 years old. Network access in this area is not efficient enough at crisis times. Based on the findings of the present study, the most important factors in increasing vulnerability include the quality and the age of the building and its inefficient access to the network.



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