Document Type : Research


1 Department of Geography and Tourism Planning, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran

2 MSc in Rural Development, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran


Public space includes all areas that are open and accessible to members of the public in a community. The main function of public spaces is to pave the way for the presence of people. Therefore, strengthening desirable public spaces in rural areas has an effective role on participation, welfare, and comfort of the people, environmental protection and sustainable development. The study aimed at exploring the factors affecting the improvement of public spaces in the villages of Lorestan province. It sought to know that what factors have played the greatest role in improving public spaces. This applied study used a descriptive-analytical method. Documents and field studies were used to collect the data and for analyzing the data descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation and variance, and inferential statistics, including factor analysis and analysis of variance were used. The results of factor analysis showed that seven factors, having a total of 55.274% of the variance, explain the relationships between the indicators. The highest portion belongs to the first factor with 10.531% and the lowest portion is the seventh factor with 6.178%. Moreover, the analysis of variance test showed that there was a significant difference between the factors at the alpha level of less than 0.05. The results of the study showed that the diversity of attractions, visual qualities, interaction and communication, socio and cultural issues, educational and health factors, equipment, economic issues, and recreational issues are the most important factors, respectively. So, paying attention to public spaces can strengthen human societies and provide the grounds for improving the activities, vitality, and civic life of rural communities.


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