Document Type : case study


1 Professor, Department of Tourism Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD Candidate in Tourism Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


Tourism industry is now paying more attention to tourist congestion. The issue is making tensions in urban and rural tourism destinations between residents of local communities and tourists. As destinations that often encounter some challenges of tourist congestion, coastal destinations need integrated and dynamic management and planning for maintaining and developing them. This study tried to explore various dimensions and components of tourism congestion using smart tourism approach. The aim was to reach a management model for tourism destinations. Two interview and questionnaire were used for the mixed study to collect the required data. For the qualitative part, 21 people were selected and interviewed with a semi-structured interviews and in 271 tourism officials and activists were selected to answer questionnaires for the quantitative part. The data obtained from interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis method by MAXQDA. Finally, 193 open codes, 18 central codes and 3 selective codes were extracted. The results showed that tourism congestion management has “supply”, “demand “and “structural/ administrative” dimensions and each of them has six indicators. Moreover, significant areas of improving management activities were determined using the importance-performance matrix. Regarding the total effects, the administrative/structural dimension is the most significant (b=0.57) and tourism demand has the highest performance score (c=64.61). For managing tourism congestion some issues are prior regarding improving the performance: administrative and structural factors and government and smart governance structures (b=0.25), the locals’ environmental and psychological tolerance capacity of (b=0.34) and seasonality of tourism (b=0.39)


Main Subjects

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