Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Climatology and Geomorphology, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Postdoc Researcher, Department of Climatology and Geomorphology, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran


Human comfort is significantly affected by climatic parameters and geographical features. There are few studies that have focused on the role of these two factors together in human comfort. Considering this, this research tried to evaluate different levels of human comfort using the Somatosensory Temperature (ST) index based on the golden ratio theory in 13 Iranian metropolitan cities. The parameters of minimum and maximum temperature, minimum and maximum humidity, precipitation and average wind speed were obtained from the Iran Meteorological Organization for (1991-2020) period. The ST index was designed based on the Golden Ratio theory and the Actual Optimum Comfort Temperature (AOCT) and its important features are significant flexibility to changes in latitude, altitude, and season. The results showed that there is a significant (α<0.01) inverse correlation (-0.867) between latitude and optimal comfort temperature, and this relationship for the height parameter is also with the correlation (-0.607) was significant at the 0.05 level. Bandar Abbas and Ahvaz had the highest frequency of hot thermal sensation and Tabriz had the highest frequency of very cold days. The highest monthly distribution of thermal comfort conditions is estimated for Rasht. For the summer, Tabriz with a total of 21% comfortable conditions has the best situation among other cities, while Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, Kerman and Yazd have not experienced any of the comfort levels in this season. The highest percentage of the frequency of complete comfort conditions belongs to the autumn, so that in this season, complete comfort prevailed in 9 cities. The use of all the main climate parameters and the possibility of applying various corrections have provided the ST index with the ability to be used in a significant range of latitudes and regions with different altitudes.


Main Subjects

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